Russia is Waging a War Against Christians in Ukraine
The Truth – You Be The Judge
Christian Population
Fast Facts
Defenders of Faith and Religious Freedom in Ukraine
The Russian Federation is waging a war against Christians in Ukraine & occupied territories.
In Russian-occupied territories, people of faith are systematically persecuted.
Evangelicals are disproportionately targeted by Russian forces.
Take Action Now!
Join us in standing up for persecuted Christians in Ukraine and defending their right to practice their faith.
For Christians in Ukraine.
EDUCATERaise awareness by distributing INFORMATION to your church and in your community about the plight of Christians in Ukraine.
Educate others about the crimes against Christians and Christianity being perpetrated by the Russian Federation.
ASK your Congressional representatives to SUPPORT our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, PROTECT their freedom of religion, and DEFEND them against Russian aggressors.
Wait – Don’t Scroll Away …
See How Many places of worship Russian military has destroyed, damaged and looted
The Russian federation banned “missionary activities” such as prayer, and required churches and religious organizations to register with the Russian Government. This law is used to prosecute American Baptist and Pentecostal missionaries operating in Russia, to outlaw most missionary work, and to burn foreign-distributed Bibles not properly registered. Under the law, the Russian Federation has persecuted Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans and Orthodox groups unaffiliated with the state. Four evangelical Christian groups have been labeled ‘Undesirable,’ effectively banning them.
We Must Act Now!
As Christians, we are all members of God’s Kingdom, united through Christ.
Ukraine is the Bible Belt of Eastern Europe, with more than a thousand-year Christian history and an 85% Christian population. Christians must not watch passively while our brothers and sisters in Ukraine are being harassed, intimidated, persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered simply for practicing their faith. We must stand up to protect and defend them – through prayer, by contributing our own resources, and by urging our elected officials to support Christians in Ukraine in their fight for survival against Russian persecution.
Defenders of Faith and Religious Freedom in Ukraine was established to shine a spotlight on the persecution of Christians in Ukraine, and to advocate for continued U.S. support to secure Ukrainian independence and, with that, religious freedom.
“When One Of Us Suffers, We All Suffer Together”
(1 Corinthians 12:26)
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